fifth ramadhan, here goes to the makcik where i met last night during tarawih, she was really struggling with her walking way and looked very upset and she stood at the back of the door and crying. she.keep.crying. it was heartbreaking to see her liddat that she said she had a family problems and she couldnt handle it. well everybody says she is kind of mental health and ignored her. that situation suddenly reminds me of ustaz aladin that once says; mental health isnt neglected in islam but it is neglected in a certain cultures. religion can heal but culture can destroy. i know your families and most of people out there do not understand and i know you may think that you are alone and no one can help you, but He is there and always be with you. its ramadhan and she is in distress and it might hurts, i couldnt help her with any but dua's. semoga Allah grant you makcik with a better brighter day than before.